We would like to update you on the status of our efforts at Duraloy Technologies as the business environment is rapidly changing in response…
This summer, we welcomed Fiona Carter, Stephen Ozoroski, Alison Huffman, and Kate Skowronek to Duraloy for their 2019 summer internships.…
Duraloy Technologies is pleased to announce Tim Wilson has joined our organization. Tim will be responsible for business development and…
Duraloy is pleased to announce that Dale Smodic has been promoted to the position of Vice President/General Manager of Duraloy Technologies,…
Duraloy Technologies would like to welcome Anna Sowinski, who will be working as a key member in our Customer Service Department. Anna will…
Duraloy Technologies is pleased to announce that Ron Miner Jr. has accepted the position of Centrifugal Foundry Supervisor. Ron will…